Author name: Thecia Ellis

Piglet Watch

I could be really wrong, but it looks like my Idaho pasture pig, Daisy is very pregnant. The problem is, I never saw Oscar Mayer “do the deed” to know when to expect piglets. This is my first time with pigs in the first place and certainly my first time with a true prospect of

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I understand that I am sixty years old and will not be able to maintain the level of activity that I’d like to forever. But I plan to do it for as long as I can. God has a way of reminding me on occasion that He is the one in charge; not me.I have

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New Year; New Site

It has been an exciting past few months and changes keep coming. I say “bring them on!”After changing the name of my main YouTube channel from Ellis Family Farms to Grandma’s Homestead, I realized that my website (I’ll bet most of you didn’t even know I had a website!) also needed some dramatic changes.Unfortunately, my

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