Weekly Blog

Winter Arrived

Well, I go through my farm calendar to see the events that have occurred since my last blog post and I was dismayed to see how long it had been since I posted. Apologies. The saying is, that if you are saying “yes” to something, you are saying “no” to something else. Definitely true in […]

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Battling Rain

Tom took a week of vacation during muzzle loading season to get some deer hunting done and ended up getting some work done around the property too. It was very nice to have some help around here, though I believe he was ready to get back to his job so he didn’t have to work

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An Emotional Wreck

This definitely been a period of emotional ups and downs and I am not a good candidate to handle them well. Every morning, after reading my devotional for the day, I record several things. I go through my calendars for the next week, making changes as schedules change. I record my weight and the physical

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Staying Tough

The summer heat is on. We have had a few days of milder weather, but generally, the temperatures have been in the the mid to upper nineties with a heat index as high as 124 degrees. I try to get the chores done in the morning before the heat sets in for the day. Evening

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