Noticing the Turn in the Season

The days in the sun at softball games are no longer sweltering but nice; like in the eighties. Even upper eighties feels pretty good.

We are nearing the end of softball season, but that only means that basketball season will soon follow behind. I love watching my granddaughter play and attend everything that I can on her behalf.

We drove to Barnsdall on Tuesday and was soundly defeated. It was discouraging but the drives home with Kinzie and a teammate usually makes for some interesting conversations that I wouldn’t miss for the world. I am grateful daily to be able to be a part of her life.

As soon as we got back from Barnsdall, I put on my head lamp and went out to catch 27 Cornish cross chicks to take to the processor early Wednesday morning. I knew the chicks were smaller than usual, but the processing date had been set for weeks and I had to make do. These birds were surprisingly small though. I discovered that, although I always kept an eye on the health of my birds, I should pay more attention. to how they are growing.

Watch “Exploring Southern Kansas While My Birds Are Being Processed” here

On the same channel, I posted a video showing how the rain we finally received affected the farm. For some things growing on the farm, it was too little too late. Still, it is nice to see the grass greening up a little.

I’ve recently started a newer YouTube channel called Farm Animal Life. Essentially, I stick a camera in an area where a particular animal is and let them do their thing.

No words. No story line. Just animals on the farm.

In this video, Cornish cross chicks, straight from the post office are checking out their new temporary home in the small brooder.

Yesterday, Tom and I went up the the church for a work project. We helped several others clear out a room where crafts and all kinds of other supplies were kept and tore down the inner walls of this room to open up the fellowship hall. I was excited to be given the lumber from the walls. I believe it will be much of the frame for a new chicken house I plan to build. Nice!

We were tired after the work at the church and were happy to come home and watch some college football. We had Oklahoma State on the television and Oklahoma University on the computer screen. Obviously, we like our college football.

The temperatures for the morning chores have dropped dramatically the past few days. I’m sure there will be a rebound in temperatures but we are still certainly reminded that winter is coming. We are not ready, but we’ll make do.

One more thing. I will be speaking at the Self-Reliance festival October 1-2 in Camden, Tennessee. I am so very excited (and nervous) for this opportunity! I would love to be able to meet you there! Look me up and tell me where you are from. I can’t wait to see you! Tickets available below:

HOME Fall 2024

That’s all for this week! See ya!

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